Abstract API Quick Start
If you're already familiar with using the function API, you should feel right at home using the abstract API. Every function takes the same input, passed as a dictionary of Numpy arrays:
import numpy as np
# note that all ndarrays must be the same length!
inputs = {
'open': np.random.random(100),
'high': np.random.random(100),
'low': np.random.random(100),
'close': np.random.random(100),
'volume': np.random.random(100)
Functions can either be imported directly or instantiated by name:
from talib import abstract
sma = abstract.SMA
sma = abstract.Function('sma')
From there, calling functions is basically the same as the function API:
from talib.abstract import *
output = SMA(input_arrays, timeperiod=25) # calculate on close prices by default
output = SMA(input_arrays, timeperiod=25, price='open') # calculate on opens
upper, middle, lower = BBANDS(input_arrays, 20, 2, 2)
slowk, slowd = STOCH(input_arrays, 5, 3, 0, 3, 0) # uses high, low, close by default
slowk, slowd = STOCH(input_arrays, 5, 3, 0, 3, 0, prices=['high', 'low', 'open'])
Advanced Usage
For more advanced use cases of TA-Lib, the Abstract API also offers much more
flexibility. You can even subclass abstract.Function
and override
to customize the type of input data Function accepts
(e.g. a pandas DataFrame).
Details about every function can be accessed via the info property:
print Function('stoch').info
'name': 'STOCH',
'display_name': 'Stochastic',
'group': 'Momentum Indicators',
'input_names': OrderedDict([
('prices', ['high', 'low', 'close']),
'parameters': OrderedDict([
('fastk_period', 5),
('slowk_period', 3),
('slowk_matype', 0),
('slowd_period', 3),
('slowd_matype', 0),
'output_names': ['slowk', 'slowd'],
Or in human-readable format:
Other useful properties of Function
Aside from calling the function directly, Functions maintain state and will remember their parameters/input_arrays after they've been set. You can set parameters and recalculate with new input data using run():
SMA.parameters = {'timeperiod': 15}
result1 = SMA.run(input_arrays1)
result2 = SMA.run(input_arrays2)
# Or set input_arrays and change the parameters:
SMA.input_arrays = input_arrays1
ma10 = SMA(timeperiod=10)
ma20 = SMA(20)
For more details, take a look at the code.